Julie and I showing off our lovely glow sticks! Here are some more pics from our annual pumpkin carving party with our good friends Hilary and Sam. Our pumpkin at the top was a combined group effort with the Kuehn's. Those of you that attended PLU and know our beloved football coach, will recognize his bobblehead doll in our pumpkin. We won the award for Most Original! And finally, that's me at the bottom having way too much fun at the party, just like every year! Hey, it's tradition!! Go Lutes!! Attaway!
Here is a picture of our house on a nice fall day! I know many of you haven't seen the outside yet, so here's a little preview! Here is the new office space. It isn't much, but Scott spent hours sanding and re-painting this old office desk, so I could have a space to work.
Here are Anthony and Angelina, my adorable nephew and niece, enjoying Norwegian Pancakes this past Saturday! Anthony enjoying his delicious pancake! Angelina and Anthony with Grandpa Arden, aren't they cute?!?!
Here is our adorable kitten Lena on her new jungle gym! She loves the mice hanging off the sides, but has yet to enjoy the slide. We figured since she is going to be an inside kitty we needed to get her something that will not only entertain, but also provide exercise for her! Our fingers are crossed that she loves it!! :)
Here we are enjoying the last homestand of the season in September! We had great seats even though they lost to the Rangers. Our friends Damon and Lisa
Sorry it's been so long since we've posted pics or blogged about what we're doing!We have been very busy around our new house trying to get everything organized and in order. I promise to get pics up soon! Our love to everyone!