Thursday, December 27, 2007

After Christmas Snow

Our house in the dusting of snow we got yesterday! What a fun treat! We got 1-2 inches, nothing much, but it was very slick outside.
The look down our street
The other direction down the street and Brigitta enjoying the snow! :)
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The twins all bundled up to play on the slides! Grandpa and Uncle Andrew are waiting at the bottom to catch them before they slid into the puddles of water at the bottom of each slide! They giggled non stop!
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Brigitta and daddy

After opening up presents, we took the twins and B over to the school to play and burn off some energy! Here is B all bundled up, but it was too chilly out for her, so they left shortly after this pic was taken.

There aren't any pics from me on the blog of B and xmas because she slept during all the present opening, oops!!!
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Bikes and more!

Angelina on her new "Princess" bike
Anthony cruising around Grandma's kitchen on his "Thomas the Train" bike
Putting the new vacuum to good use!
Anthony got a new lawnmower for Christmas, here is trying to repair it already!
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Cleaning Up

The twins were so helpful this Christmas! They dutifully picked up all of the wrapping paper and put it all back in the boxes for recycling!
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Christmas Eve

All of the grandkids in their pj's ready to open a few presents on Christmas Eve!
Anthony and Angelina reading the books they got from Great-Grandma Olson
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Monday, December 24, 2007

Gingerbread House

Scott, Angelina and I made a gingerbread house yesterday. Scott put the icing on and constructed our lovely home. Angelina and I decorated. She did a wonderful job!!

Angelina and I with the final product. Do you think she looks a little like her auntie???

We got the gingerbread house kit at Target and it was super easy to do. I think this might be a new family tradition!
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Anthony is absolutely obsessed with his Uncle Andy! Yesterday, Anthony wouldn't take a nap, so he followed Andrew around the house, wrapping xmas presents and putting them under the tree for him. As many of you know, Andrew used to sport a mohawk and different colored hair. In these photos, Andrew is helping Anthony with his future 'hawk.' Pretty cute, don't you think??!?
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Sunday, December 23, 2007


Brigitta loves this butterfly that plays a lullaby. She grabs for it and puts it in her mouth...her latest achievement!
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Drinking a bottle

B taking a bottle from Grandma, hooray!
Anthony and Angelina love Brigitta so much, they had to be involved in the feeding process. B was a little unsure, but kept on eating!

We have been trying the bottle for at least 2 feedings each day to get ready for daycare in a few short weeks. The next big hurdle was going to be someone else feeding her, so we made grandma our guinea pig....and Brigitta did awesome!!!!

For anyone out there having trouble giving the bottle to their breastfed baby, we have found the Breastflow bottle by Learning Curve found at Target to be the best one!! We have tried Avent, Evenflow and Gerber and this bottle was the best, she didn't fuss much and drinks from it instantly.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So cute!

Anthony coloring in his new Cars book. This Color Wonder stuff by Crayola is brilliant!! The pens only color on the "color wonder" paper, so it won't go on clothes, furniture, etc. Perfect for little children who like to color on everything...including Grandma's window!
(sorry it's blurry, she was moving) Angelina and Dora coloring and singing! This little girl loves to sing and truly amazes all of us with all the words she knows to songs. She actually sings much better than she speaks...meaning, you can understand more words and sentences when she sings.
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Dora and Diego!

Angelina eyeing her Dora pillow, Anthony got Diego who is to the left in the picture.
Opening up their Color Wonder sets from Uncle Scott and Auntie Kristin. Angelina got Dora and Anthony got Cars.
Talking on their cell phones.
Uncle Andrew reading Thomas to Anthony. Anthony loves to sit and be read to unlike his sister who flips through the pages and is on to the next activity.
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Happy 2nd Birthday!!

Anthony and Angelina turned 2 on Monday and we celebrated with a family party on Sunday. Here they are enjoying their yummy cupcakes made with love by Auntie Kristin. They loved opening their presents and can hardly wait for Christmas!
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