Monday, April 09, 2007

Our little family...

Here is our little family in our Easter best! I was hoping to get more of a belly shot for everyone, rather than the wide angle shot! :) And Lena is actually looking at the camera!
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Pretty flowers....

Angelina and Grandpa picking flowers (dandelions) together! She startedplucking the petals off and was talking up a storm.
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Happy Easter!

Here are some adorable pics of the twins "hunting" for Easter eggs yesterday! They had a great time finding the eggs all over the yard and putting them in their buckets. You can see Angelina laughing and having a wonderful time! They just love to be outside!
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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

More snow in April....

After our great sunny, but cold day on Sunday, we woke up to about 2 inches of snow Monday morning. We have had a ridiculous amount of snow this winter. I hope we are done for now, I'm ready for some sunshine and for spring to get here!
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Helping Grandma Clean House....

Give these two a washcloth each and they are happily wiping and cleaning every surface in the house. Such great helpers! Angelina is playing peek-a-boo in the last one!
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My adorable niece and nephew

Anthony enjoying the sun and fresh air!
Angelina playing outside, jumping and climbing on everything
Here they are trying to escape their prison that is the backyard! :)
Angelina having such a ball with her Aunt Kristin. We went over to play with them on Sunday afternoon. We had a break in the rainy weather, so we bundled them up and headed to the backyard to play and run around. They loved it!
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March Snowfall

Here are some pics from our last large snowfall back in March. With this storm we got about 10 inches at our house. The middle one is our adorable Lena admiring the beautiful white blanket outside.
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