Tuesday, December 23, 2008

15 months old

Brigitta feeding herself dinner one night, she is becoming quite good at holding a spoon and feeding herself. And, she is going to be a 'righty.'

Brigitta Ruth is now 15 months old plus some and here is what she has been up to:
*walking more and more without assistance - still scoots when she loses her balance or something is in her way
*teething - hooray! - we can see some of those top teeth starting to cut through
*sings along to 'Twinkle, Twinkle', 'ABC's' and 'Old MacDonald'
*when you ask her, "what does a kitty say?" She responds with, "meow!" in the meekiest, sweetest little voice you've ever heard
*eats a wide variety of foods and still loves all of her fruits and vegetables...and don't worry to those concerned that my vegetarian lifestyle is somehow 'hurting' my daughter...she eats meat occasionally, but truly loves gardenburgers, soy hot dogs and tofu mixed with blueberries and strawberries - she is actually getting 'more' protein from the vegetarian food choices rather than meat alone!
*still sleeps 12-13 hours a night with one nap a day for 2-3 hours!
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wrapping presents

Brigitta helping mom wrap presents last week. She was trying to wrap her own books for Christmas, pretty adorable!

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gingerbread house

the second annual sutton/olson gingerbread house. this year uncle scott made the house with the twins, who absolutely loved it! having the candy out in little bowls within their reach was pure toture, by the end they were sneaking little pieces!

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7-10 inches of snow

Scott took this picture on Sunday with our makeshift ruler. Who would've thought in a household with a teacher, there is no ruler to be found? So strange!
This shows 7 inches of snow on Sunday morning.

our backyard from the deck

monday morning's snow results...10 inches! it just keeps falling and falling!

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Decorating the tree

Brigitta helping get out the decorations

Our tree, notice most of the ornaments are near the top, this way little fingers don't do too much damage
All lit up!
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More on the farm...

At this tree farm, the kids could roast marshmallows.

Here they are 'roasting' sticks rather than marshmallows.

Super Brigitta
So happy to be in her stroller
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O Christmas Tree

At the beginning of December, we ventured out to a cute little tree farm in the boonies of Snohomish to find the 'perfect' tree!
Mom and Brigitta

Dad and Brigitta

The lambs in the manger, we could feed and pet them.

Sutton Family shot

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