Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Please help

As many of you may know from the news, a local woman, Connie Koch from Lake Stevens went missing this past Thursday. I have known Connie since I was in middle school if not earlier. We attend the same church and I grew up with her two wonderful kids.

Please follow the attached link for her blog and see if you can help.


Please send prayers for her safe return or a phone call to her children. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

no photos

The reason you haven't seen photos on here is because our sweet, loving daughter has broken our camera.  Scott has it at work right now to hopefully fix it until we can get a new one.  Sorry all!

eighteen months old and then some

Brigitta is now officially 18 months old plus a week or so.  

Here are some things she is up to these days - 

*walking and running everywhere (especially to chase Lena or 'give' her a toy)
*climbing the stairs to go up, but has yet to attempt going down
*loves to 'read' her books
*sings many songs, her latest is 'happy birthday' and it is quite adorable to hear sung to you!
*says, 'da-da, ma-ma, Lena, hi, bye and bye-bye, hello, breakfast, all done (loves to say this at church when the singing is done), let's go with a cute hand movement, no-no, yes, poochie for dog, still does animal sounds and I'm sure there is lots more
*eats a wide variety of foods and according to the doctor is probably a little too heavy for her age range!  honestly, that was said to us!
*greets everyone with a smile and a hi
*she just adores her da-da and is constantly talking to him and telling him about her day!
*goes to bed when she is ready, usually by 7 every night.  we just ask her, 'are you ready for night-night?' and she will get up and run to the stairs.  
*still sleeps 10-13 hours per night with a good solid nap in the afternoon
*only has one bottle per day now, right before bed and we are hoping to get rid of that by summer!!  (fingers crossed)

She is continuing to get more and more teeth and is truly becoming a little toddler.  We are already contemplating getting her a toddler bed this summer and starting potty training!!  You must think we are crazy, but she appears ready, so we'll give it a shot!

I know, I know...

I suck at blogging these days.  Life has just gotten in the way and I apologize for neglecting all of our faithful readers.  

My dear friend Kendra mentioned posting something on my blog about baby B and she said, 'your blog...remember that?'  Yes, Kendra, I do!  

I promise I will be better!