Monday, May 26, 2008

Walk-In Visit

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend, so first off, a big THANK YOU to all of our vets and those currently serving in our military. We greatly appreciate what you are doing for our country and hope you can come home soon!

Alright, now, off to the events of our weekend.

Saturday, B was a little cranky, she has a cold, but with some tylenol and teething tablets, seemed to be fine. She wouldn't take an afternoon nap in her bed, but did snooze on the car ride down to the new Home Depot in Snohomish to get beauty bark with her daddy. She was in a great mood when she got home, so we set her up in her exersaucer in the garage, while Scott weed eated and mowed and I cleaned out the flower beds and put down all the beauty bark. Talk about an exhausting job and it was quite warm out, but it is done and the front looks beautiful now!

Saturday night arrives and B goes down, but wakes up 1 1/2 hours later and proceeded to stay awake all night long. She would fall asleep for about 30 minutes at a time and then would wake up crying. And this wasn't a normal cry, but more of a sad, pitiful sound, so we knew something was up. She ran a fever all night and the tylenol just wouldn't kick it.

Sunday morning arrives and we have duties at church, so Scott headed to church, while I got B ready and headed to the walk-in clinic in town. It opened at 9, we were there at 8:45, second people in line.

First off, she weighs 17.6 pounds with clothes and diaper on, not bad for 8 1/2 months old!

I tell the doctor; she was up all night, she's had a cold for the past 9 days, congested, pulling at her ear, slight rash on the bum, had a fever, etc. He didn't think she would have an ear infection, but let's appease the mom and check just to make sure.

Lo and behold, both ears are red and inflamed. Little Sassy Pants has her very first double ear infection, not bad for almost 9 months old. Hopefully, she won't follow in her mother's footsteps and have one every single month!!! We got her some amoxicillin for the infection and ear drops to help with the pain. I also got her some baby Motrin, I was unaware that babies could have ibuprofen, but bring it on! We will take whatever will help our little girl feel better.

So, long story short, we drugged her up yesterday and she napped off and on throughout the day and ended up sleeping 11 1/2 hours last night! Woo hoo!! She is a much happier baby this morning and back to her old self. Hooray for medicine!

Currently, she is watching her Baby Einstein video of Old MacDonald and she LOVES it! I know that research says, don't let babies watch t.v., blah, blah, blah. But this kids LOVES her Baby Einstein videos more than life itself. She giggles at them, kicks her legs and screams with excitement. Honestly, how can you deny her of that?!?!!?

And a shout out to my little bro who is touring Ireland right now...have a pint in honor of us bro!

1 comment:

Mairead said...

Wow - long night! I am so glad B is feeling better.