Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Birthday Surprise

My 29th birthday was at the beginning of August and Scott surprised me with an overnight getaway in Seattle. We had great seats at the Mariners name was even on diamond vision! Our good friends Julie and Rich were in on the surprise and joined us at the game. So much fun!!

We stayed at the W Hotel in Seattle while Brigitta stayed the night with Grandma and Grandpa! We had a good time getting away for a night, but my favorite part was the in room massage on Sunday morning - pure heaven!

A shot of us in the room before we left for the game
This moose came out in between innings, he wasn't the normal Mariner Moose, more of a bobble head moose!
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Mashed Potatoes

Enjoying mashed potatoes for one of the first times! I would have to say she likes them!
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Sleeping Beauty

This is how I found Brigitta sleeping one afternoon. I had to wake her up to head out to my eye doctor appointment and she was sleeping so soundly. She didn't even wake up when I took pictures of her! So sweet!
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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eleven Months

Our darling girl is now 11 months old! Wow!! I can still look back to this time last summer hoping that she was going to come early. The doctors were telling me I was dilated, I was having some small contractions and nothing!

Okay, here are some fun facts about Brigitta now that she is 11 months old.

*She still sleeps 10-13 hours per night and takes one nap a day that is usually 2-3 hours long.
*Still only has one tooth, but I get the feeling that more are on their way.
*B scoots to get everywhere around the house and gets moving so quickly that sometimes she looks like she is going to rocket into the air. (pretty funny to watch)
*Some of her new favorite foods include: watermelon, pancakes (plain), blueberry muffins and the yummy crackers from IKEA
*B had her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house a few weeks ago when we spent the night in Seattle for my birthday and she did great!

She is still a terrific baby and we enjoy watching her change and grow with each passing day and are excited to see her little personality start to blossom even more.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008


Brigitta has finally cut her first tooth!! Hooray!! It has been a long and sometimes painful process, but it is finally through. She is almost 11 months old, better late than never, I guess.

I'll try and get a picture of it soon!