Thursday, August 14, 2008

Eleven Months

Our darling girl is now 11 months old! Wow!! I can still look back to this time last summer hoping that she was going to come early. The doctors were telling me I was dilated, I was having some small contractions and nothing!

Okay, here are some fun facts about Brigitta now that she is 11 months old.

*She still sleeps 10-13 hours per night and takes one nap a day that is usually 2-3 hours long.
*Still only has one tooth, but I get the feeling that more are on their way.
*B scoots to get everywhere around the house and gets moving so quickly that sometimes she looks like she is going to rocket into the air. (pretty funny to watch)
*Some of her new favorite foods include: watermelon, pancakes (plain), blueberry muffins and the yummy crackers from IKEA
*B had her first sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa's house a few weeks ago when we spent the night in Seattle for my birthday and she did great!

She is still a terrific baby and we enjoy watching her change and grow with each passing day and are excited to see her little personality start to blossom even more.

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