Friday, September 26, 2008

I'm bringing home...

a baby bumblebee, won't my momma be so proud of me!

I got home later tonight after taking a class at school, so my mom was wonderful enough to pick up Brigitta from daycare. She shared the day's events with Scott who then told me that Brigitta got stung not once, but twice by a bee today. Poor baby!

She got stung on her hand and on her right cheek. She seems to be doing just fine and doesn't appear to have an allergic reaction, which is a huge relief!

And her first year check up went great. She is 22 lbs. and 28 inches long and her head is still big, but seems to be growing into it. She handled her shots well and didn't appear to have any major reactions.

We are finally off formula and onto 2% milk, she seems to like that better than whole and quite frankly, I think that is better for her - less fat. Still only has two teeth, scoots to get from point A to point B, is more confident on pulling herself up and standing next to the couch. We aren't walking yet, but soon it will happen and then watch out everyone, including Lena!

1 comment:

Webby said...

congrads you guys,
you have a wonderful family.

keep having fun and enjoy life.