Saturday, July 17, 2010

Kla Ha Ya Days River Run

So, I signed up for 2 5K runs, one today and one next weekend. Today was the Kla Ha Ya Days River Run and Dash. I read the paperwork as saying it was a 5K, yeah, when they lined us up, they announced that they wanted all of 5 MILE runners in place. Oh, apparently this was a 5 MILE race. Hmm... I did it!!

Pre-Race, waiting to start

Sweet look on my face - it was a little chilly at 8 in the morning.
My wonderful parents came down to cheer me on! (they had to leave an hour after the start and I assumed that I was running a 5K, which is 3.1 miles and I thought, oh, I can do that in like 30-40 minutes. once I got going in that 5 mile run, all I thought was, man I want to make it back before my parents have to leave) *I did!! :)
My other proud supporter!
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