Friday, September 14, 2007

Getting ready for Brigitta...

Here I am, so excited to finally start the induction process about noon on Wednesday, September 12th
The computer monitor we all watched to track B's heart rate and my contractions. In the blue you will notice her heart rate and the mountains and valleys on the bottom are my contractions. Because of being one week plus one day overdue, I was started on pitocin to get everything kick started and by 3 o'clock it did. I was having solid contractions with no breaks for about 30 minutes at a time...not pleasant!
The mobile heated crib in our room for Brigitta.
Later in the day on Wednesday still waiting for labor to really start! I was at 3 cm for approximately 10 hours before I finally got an epidural at about 10:45 that evening and my doctor broke my water at 11. That's when everything finally got started!! I quickly progressed and by 4 in the morning, I was fully dilated and ready to go. At 5:20, we started pushing and Brigitta arrived with no problems at 5:47 in the morning.
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