Saturday, September 08, 2007

Weekly Update

Okay, for those of you that don't know I am now 4 days overdue with some end in sight. I am schedule to be induced on Wednesday, September 12th. I go in for a NST (non-stress test) and AFI (look at the amniotic fluid levels) on Tuesday, the 11th. I feel great right now and hope that she comes naturally before I have to be induced, but I have no control over Brigitta at this point. We call in very early on the 12th to find out when they want us at the hospital, I get moved to the top of the list, being 41 weeks and 1 day at that point, but it is all based on their workload.

Make sure to check back to this blog periodically because this is the best way for us to post pictures and keep everyone updated!!

And, tomorrow is the Seahawks season opener so hopefully she won't decide to make her entrance during the game!! Momma's gotta watch some Hawk Ball!

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